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This article appeared in Far Cry 4This article appeared in Far Cry 6

« Falling dream? A lot of people fall around here. Most of them don't wake up. That's what this place does to weak men. »


« Pagan's loyal right hand and governor of the elite Royal Guard, she brings her expertise in human nature and psychology to heal the scars of all Kyrati through kindness and understanding. »

King Min's Kyrat

Yuma Lau is the antagonist of Far Cry 4, and the tertiary antagonist of Pagan: Control. Yuma is Pagan Min's second-in-command of the Triad Empire, and General of the Royal Guard, as well as the Warden of Durgesh Prison.


Yuma has known Pagan Min since childhood. She was the daughter of a triad crime boss and watched her father and mother get gunned down during joint task force raids between INTERPOL and the Mainland China NNCC oversea operation in Hong Kong. The raids were meant to clean up the triad forces outside the China border in Hong Kong, targeting several drug lords including her family and the Mins. Pagan Min's Father took the orphaned Yuma under his wing to repay her father for an old debt, though in all likelihood, Gang was merging his fractured empire with hers.

Pagan Min didn't raise Yuma himself, but made sure she received the best education. Pagan became an older brother figure for her and she came to idolize him. He constantly encouraged her intellect and ruthlessness. For her 18th birthday, Pagan gave Yuma the heads of three men who tried to steal the inheritance of her father’s empire, and in return she used her father's gang to help Pagan as well as hiring mercenaries, creating a strong triad empire for Pagan.

When Pagan Min killed his father, there was a wave of assassination attempts against him, either by some factions within the gang who attempted to avenge Pagan Min's father, or other rivals who took advantage of this, or even both. Pagan Min and Yuma Lau settled all scores, left Hong Kong, then led the loyal Triads and mercenaries to find new gang territory elsewhere.

They found the chaotic Kyrat, a far cry from the consolidated hierarchy in Hong Kong underworld. Kyrat was ravaged in First Kyrati Civil War between the supporters and opponents of the already fallen monarchy, Pagan Min and Yuma Lau chose to ally with the Royalists and found a distant royal heir for the Royalists to continue their cause. The forces of two vast triad gangs led by Pagan Min and Yuma Lau were further strengthened with more mercenaries hired by them. After a few months of bloody fighting against the Nationalists, the Royalists stormed the Royal Palace and attempted to crown the young heir to the throne. Min, however, killed the heir and took the throne himself, then purged the Royalists. Min's betrayal led to Second Kyrati Civil War as remnants of the Royalists swore revenge and founded Golden Path in 1987, seeking to dethrone Pagan Min and end Yuma life. Yuma was the second in command of Min's forces throughout both civil wars.

She remained loyal to Pagan until he fell in love with Ishwari Ghale. Yuma felt he was no longer the ambitious and powerful man she admired as a child and blames Ishwari for making him weak. After Ishwari fled to the United States of America, Yuma hoped Pagan would return to be the king she once idolized, but was disappointed when she saw no change and says she realized that what is broken stays broken.

Yuma came to the point of despising Pagan, and decided that she needed a new idol. She became obsessed with the myth of Kalinag, a legendary hero in Kyrati mythology. She took the stories of this great warrior to heart and now searches all of Kyrat in hopes of finding Shangri-La and unlocking its secrets [1], she even sent an Expedition lead by Colonel Sandesh looking for the legendary relic of Yalung that can cause immortality. She still, however, seems to harbor a great deal of bitterness towards Ishwari and Pagan. She thinks Pagan's desire to keep Ajay alive is a reflection of his weakness and during her fight with Ajay, she goes to the point of saying that she is going to scatter Ishwari's ashes in pigs' slop.

Far Cry 4[]


Yuma's first scene in the game

Yuma is first seen after Ajay Ghale is betrayed and forced out of a plane by agent Willis Huntley, after killing what he believed to be Yuma's lieutenants, while they were actually undercover, CIA assets. Pagan introduces Ajay to Yuma and Durgesh Prison, stating that he has been a "naughty little shit" and that he is easing him into the harsh situation. After Pagan and Yuma walk away, the guard orders Ajay to the floor and pricks him with a syringe, causing Ajay to pass out.

Ajay awakes while having hallucinations of Yuma. As Ajay explores, Yuma voices over the finding of her calling with the discovery of Shangri-La, how she came to despise Pagan, and how Ajay's mother led Pagan astray.

If Ajay is killed by the Rakshasa before picking up both pieces for the climbing hook, a special cutscene will play where Ajay wakes up inside his "suite" with Yuma outside the cell, where she tells him that she did not kill Mohan but that she would have killed Ishwari if she had the chance. When Ajay gently tells Yuma to fuck off, she tells him to jump, and if he does, she will scatter Ishwari's ashes for him, before walking away.

« Time to die, Ajay Ghale. Time to do what Pagan would NEVER do himself! Time to kill you, and mix your mother's ashes in pigs' slop! (Laughs) »

Yuma's last words, while confronting Ajay

After escaping from Durgesh and helping the Golden Path breach into Northern Kyrat, Ajay's next target is Yuma. Pagan proceeds to hold a public broadcast to address the recent attempt on his life. Because of Yuma's constant use of Royal Army resources and soldiers, rallying Royal Guards to her side, and knowing about her obsession with Kyrati mythology, Pagan considers Yuma to be a liability who may soon turn against him, so he betrays her by disclosing her location to the public, and consecutively the Golden Path, thus allowing Ajay to track her down.

Ajay goes to the KEO Svargiya Mine, where he is confronted by Yuma, who again gives him hallucinogens. While hallucinating, Ajay goes full circle, and once he finds himself back in the first room, Yuma seduces him before a confrontation ensues, where Ajay is forced to confront Kalinag in person, helped by the Rakshasa and the Sky Tiger. After attacking him three times, Ajay starts to indefinitely stab Kalinag, until he "wakes up" from his hallucinations and discovers that Kalinag was actually Yuma, and the Rakshasa were her backup men, all lying dead on the floor.

If Ajay stays with Pagan Min right from the start, it's unknown what would happen to Yuma, or what would be her decision when news come out about her expedition led by Colonel Sandesh became the Disciples.

Far Cry 6: Pagan Control[]

In the Far Cry 6 "Pagan Min: Control" DLC, Pagan watches his own memories of Yuma and seems able to somewhat contextualize that he did hurt her and he was somewhat responsible for her descent to madness. He says despite all that happened, he did love her "in his own way". Pagan's inner thoughts reflect that although Yuma was an adopted sister, she behaved like a mother to him in many ways, and that perhaps this is what Pagan ultimately desired from her. It is suggested or implied that Yuma was the one who told Mohan about his wife's affair with Pagan, but since the DLC takes place in Pagan's mind it's unclear if this is reliable or not.

Personality and Traits[]

Yuma is a mysterious woman. She had always admired Pagan, sometimes to the point of idolization, but after Pagan's radical change in personality she became disillusioned with him. She eventually shifts her devotion to Kalinag and her subsequent obsession with him results in her funding expeditions behind the Shangri-La's Thangka. She sent an expedition of several men including Colonel Sandesh to the Lost Valley of Kyrat in order to find a legendary Relic, but they never returned. Instead, this expedition became the religious cult known as the Disciples.

She is manipulative and intelligent, and is able to have deep passions and ambitions but still think about them practically. She for example has a very pragmatic opinion on falling in love, stating in her journals that she doesn't dislike when people fall in love, rather that she believes love can actually make some people stronger, but asserts that Pagan was not one of those people and that it made him a mess.[2]

Unlike Pagan, Yuma is straight-laced, serious, and disciplined. She and Pagan seem to clash in this regard, with Pagan stating that she has "a remarkable ability to make consistently terrible introductions," and that he's often had to apologize for her first impressions.[3]

Mission appearances[]


  • Yuma effectively uses hallucinogens to manipulate her victims. Before their confrontation, Yuma manages to seduce Ajay while he is in a drugged state, allowing her to disarm him and later shoot him, although the bullet fails to kill Ajay.
  • Yuma speaks in Cantonese in various parts of the game.
  • The mission to kill Yuma, Payback, is a direct reference to the mission of the same name in Far Cry 3. In both missions the player is tasked with killing the antagonist's second-in-command, and in both the player is drugged and forced to fight while hallucinating.
  • A villager NPC states that Yuma and her entourage visited his village a week prior and that when she walked by him she left behind "the strongest scent of lilies." The villager describes the experience as "hypnotic". This may or may not have been a reference to the herbs Yuma uses to make her hallucinogens'.
  • In KEO Svargiya Mine, before the room where the player confronts/confronted Yuma, the player can find a note from someone called "Sir Nigel". In it, Sir Nigel describes having a vision witnessing Yuma's death and urging her to leave the country before it can happen. Sir Nigel is never seen or heard from again, although it is interesting that he ignores formalities in his letter, referring to Yuma as "my poor dear".
    • Yuma's obsession with Kalinag and Shangri-la seems to have been bolstered by her relationship with Sir Nigel, whose house and cabin can be explored in-game, and whose journal expresses a strong interest in vindicating his professional reputation by finding Shangri-la.
  • Unlike her fellow governor, Noore, Yuma seems to allow moonshine production in her territory, but she demands that it all be sent to Pagan Min's palace for consumption there.
  • At the Raj Pandhi Brewery in Noore's territory, there is a note listing possible names for the new batch of Raksi. One of them is "Yuma's Quiff", which refers to the shock of hot pink hair on top of her head.
  • In a document titled "R.G. Memo: CIA", Yuma places a bounty on Willis Huntley's head, offering money and cushy reassignment to any soldier who catches him. This could explain why Willis betrayed Ajay, if he struck a deal with Yuma to spare him in exchange for Ajay.
  • Yuma instructs her men, via a Lt. Manandhar, to dump mercury in such places as bodies of water, marshlands and breeding grounds for wild animals in an effort to poison the water and food supplies of the Golden Path, who she believes must be getting food and water outside of official channels.
  • When Ajay Ghale is hallucinating due to Yuma's drugs in the mission Payback, he can see the event concerning the player's Golden Path leader choice in the epilogue of Far Cry 4 before they happen. How he is able to do this is unknown.
  • Yuma is the only villain in the game who harbors an actual dislike for Ajay; Paul considers him to be his friend, Pagan considers him family, and Noore attempts to ally with him.


